Mplus/Mplus Toric (Oculentis) Bifocal Successor of Monofocal Lens in Private Medical Centre. Six Years of Experience
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Published: 22 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
A retrospective analysis of parameters of vision and postoperative complaints in 428 patients (606 eyes) undergoing cataract surgery or clear lens extraction with ontime bifocal Oculentis® lens implantation. Artificial lens implantation was performed in one or in both eyes in patients without preoperative eye defect. Subsequent groups included patients with preoperative hyperopia, myopia and with corneal astigmatism. The biggest number of patients received spherical lenses with addition of 3.0 Dsph to near distances, then with addition of 1.5 Dsph, and toric lenses. The other two analyzed groups included patients who needed posterior vitrectomy and who have been preoperatively diagnosed with Age Related Macular Degeneration, dry and exudative changes. The main inclusion criterion was the need to become free of glasses to far and near distances. Almost all of patients obtained satisfactory visual acuity and quality of vision while maintaining the appropriate inclusion criteria. One of the criteria assumed that patients with larger pupil sizes were implanted with lenses with less addition to near distances, and corneal astigmatism was corrected even if the value was below 1 diopter.
Highlights: Owing to their simple structure, intraocular bifocal lenses from Oculentis®, when certain qualification criteria are met, can replace monofocal lenses as the product of choice, giving measurable benefits including far and near vision without additional need for correction.
Keywords: AMD; bifocal lens; cataract; Oculentis®; posterior vitrectomy; refractive lens exchange.

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How to Cite
Adam Cywinski, MD, Sandra Penter, Opt., Lukasz Bednarski, MD, Daniela Ferda-Lewinska, MD, Marcin Gacek Opt.. (2019-03-22). "Mplus/Mplus Toric (Oculentis) Bifocal Successor of Monofocal Lens in Private Medical Centre. Six Years of Experience." *Volume 2*, 1, 8-15